( † : co-first author, * : corresponding author )
In Progress / Submitted
Emergence of the ocean CO2 uptake hole under global warming, Nature Communications (in minor revision)
H. Lee, K.-M. Noh, J.-H. Oh, S.-W. Park, Y. Shin*., J.-S. Kug*Forthcoming tipping point of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation collapse with carbon stabilization, Nature Climate Change (in minor revision)
J.-H. Oh, J.-S. Kug*, Y. Shin, X. Geng, S. Wang, F.-F. Jin, S.-I. An, S.-P. Xie, W. LiuNon-monotonic future changes in the North Atlantic warming hole under a fast CO2 emission scenario, Journal of Climate (in review)
X. Geng, J.-H. Oh, Y. Shin, J. Shin, K.-M. Noh, J.-S. Kug*, S.-W. ParkTwo different phytoplankton blooming mechanisms over the East Asian Marginal Seas during El Niño decaying summers, Biogeosciences (submitted)
D.-G. Lee, J.-H. Oh, J. Kam, J.-S. Kug*
In Progress / In Preparation
Amplified climate extremes in North America and Europe upon crossing the tipping point of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation collapse (in Prep)
J.-H. Oh, G.-I. Kim, J.-H. Park, J.-S. Kug*, S.-P. XieReconciled early-warning signal in observation and model supports nearing tipping of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (in Prep)
Y. Shin, J.-H. Oh, N. Boers, S. Bathiany, M. Arthun, H. Kim, H. Lee, J.-S. Kug*The impact of urbanization on vegetation and climate on the island of Borneo, Indonesia (in Prep)
D. Lee, S.-W. Park, J.-H. Oh, J.-S. Kug*Why is sea level irreversible?: role of SST pattern induced by deep ocean warming (in Prep)
S. Wang, Y. Shin, J.-H. Oh, H. Kim, J.-S. Kug*
Published (13)
Pervasive fire danger continued under a negative emission scenario, Nature Communications, 15, 10010 [link]
H.-J. Kim, J.-S. Kim*, S.-I. An*, J. Shin, J.-H. Oh, J.-S. KugFast recovery of North Atlantic sea level in response to atmospheric CO2 removal, Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 652 [link]
S. Wang, Y. Shin, J.-H. Oh*, J.-S. Kug*Delayed ENSO impact on phytoplankton variability over the Western-North Pacific Ocean, Environmental Research Communications, 6, 10, 101006 [link]
D.-G. Lee, J.-H. Oh*, J.-S. Kug*Deep ocean warming-induced El Niño changes (2024), Nature Communications, 15, 1, 6225 [link]
G.-I. Kim, J.-H. Oh, N.-Y. Shin, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, J. Shin, J.-S. Kug*Fast and Slow Responses of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Antarctic Meltwater Forcing (2024), Geophysical Research Letters, 51, 9, e2024GL108272 [link]
Y. Shin, X. Geng, J.-H. Oh, K.-M. Noh, E. K. Jin, J.-S. Kug*Emergent climate change patterns originating from deep ocean warming in climate mitigation scenarios (2024), Nature Climate Change, 14, 3, 260-266 [link]
J.-H. Oh, J.-S. Kug*, S.-I. An, F.-F. Jin, M. McPhaden, J. ShinRole of Atlantification in enhanced primary productivity in the Barents Sea (2024), Earth’s Future, 12, 1, e2023EF003709 [link]
K.-M. Noh, J.-H. Oh, H.-G. Lim, J.-S. Kug*
Increase in convective Extreme El Nino events in the CO2 removal scenario (2023), Science Advances, 9, 25, eadh2412 [link]
Pathirana. G, J.-H. Oh, W. Cai, S.-I. An, S.-K. Min, S.-Y. Jo, J. Shin, J.-S. Kug*What controls the future phytoplankton change over Yellow and East China Seas under global warming? (2023), Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1010341 [link]
D.-G. Lee, J.-H. Oh, K.-M. Noh, E.-Y. Kwon, Y.-H. Kim, J.-S. Kug*
Centennial memory of the Arctic Ocean for future Arctic climate recovery in response to carbon dioxide removal (2022), Earth’s Future, 10, 8, e2022EF002804 [link]
J.-H. Oh, S.-I. An, J. Shin, J.-S. Kug*Antarctic meltwater-induced dynamical changes in phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean (2022), Environmental Research Letters, 17, 2, 024022 [link]
J.-H. Oh, K.-M Noh, H.-G Lim, E. K. Jin, S.-Y. Jun, J.-S. Kug*Hysteresis of intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing (2022), Nature Climate Change, 12, 1, 47-53 [link]
J.-S. Kug*†, J.-H. Oh†, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, J. Kam, Y.-G. Ham, J. Shin
- Impact of Antarctic meltwater forcing on East Asian climate under greenhouse warming (2020), Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 21, e2020GL089951 [link]
J.-H. Oh, W.-S. Park, H.-G. Lim, K.-M. Noh, E. K. Jin, J.-S. Kug*